AporiaDown the winding wind a pale mountain path above the sky a half-black sail of stars below and vast up on the horizon rising mirrorly an...
Muss Frieden herrschen zwischen Glauben und Verlangen?Neulich befinde ich mich in „Differenz und Wiederholung“ und den Kant- und Bergson-Monographien von Deleuze eingetaucht. Ich leite mit...
Did you knowI used to be a 'professional subject' for a college's psychological experiments. The experiments were always weird because it w
From my dreamsThis is a world with an epidemic of vampirisim. In the media, they’re reporting that when you turn into a vampire, experienced time passes m
FractureA guide to writing the program note to Fracture STEP 1: Face reality after continuously trying uncounted restless evasions.