The truth within the illusion: on the interplay of music, perception, and ethicsIllusion makes us question what we perceive to be real, what we might otherwise uncritically accept in the world as given to us. The truth o
Thoughts on the end of the worldThe end of the world has been on my mind lately. In the city where I live, Seattle, this summer saw dramatic differences in the climate;...
On antinomiesTo what extent are thinkers of an analytic bent justified in dismissing the idea that there is something on the order of what Adorno...
On hyperreality in spaghetti westernsIt doesn't look like Charles Bronson is playing the harmonica or, indeed, like any of the sounds in the opening scene from Once Upon a...
Navigating the topography of desireWhy is desire so insatiable? Why shouldn’t it suffice to hear the words “I love you” spoken as a mere statement of fact?